Never Be Fooled by Humans Again

(And how to fool them back 🀫)

300+ downloads

"Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated." β€” Sun Tzu

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"An insightful book that accurately and concisely explains how human nature functions. I can’t believe he made it free.”

β€’ 35 hidden truths.
β€’ 4 big themes.
β€’ 1 year of wisdom.
I give you...
Practical advice to help you avoid the pitfalls most people face.
Universal truths about human nature you can leverage in business, personal, or romantic life.
Written by Julfi, a propaganda strategist who manages a weekly newsletter with 300+ readers and a successful X page on Machiavellianism.

What do my readers think?



Well, I see it as a reminder of human nature, as human nature is one of the inspirations for my Art Works.
I think you are doing a great job, your tweets and book have been great from my own perspective, I will say, you keep up the good work and just let the inspiration flow.




I've read it and love the concise, straight to the point, style of writing.

I think it is perfect for someone who already has some awareness and "red pill" knowledge about human nature.




I've finished reading the 35 Maxims and they are a perfect gem.

Thank you again for your time and may you continue impacting others as you have on me.




I just finished your great and concise book "35 Maxims on Human Nature."

I learnt a lot of practical wisdom. For free. So many thanks for that.




I truly found it beneficial and will keep it as a reference alongside some of the works of other authors.
I am seeking to improve upon myself and to move forward.




Awesome, thank you so much! A complete masterpiece. Must read guide for people of my age.

Once again I want to thank you for giving me a chance to read It for free.




From the perspective of copywriting, I like how 35 Maxims of Human Nature brings one to be conscious of manipulation, essentially, copywriting's antithesis.
There's a great need for this. It's like mental armor. [...]

Being conscious of what you've written allows one to not be the subject to the mind games of others and instead, flip the script.
